

Role: Co-Producer, Designer, Programmer, Sound Designer

In 2016 I co-founded Party for Introverts in order to create nontraditional story-driven games.

On January 5th, 2017 we released our first independent project on Steam, Thing-in-Itself.


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Ted and Molly are together. Ted feels a connection to Molly wherever he looks.

But, how do they both really see the relationship? See each other?

“Thing-in-Itself” is an interactive short story about the struggles of understanding another human being. Using Immanuel Kant’s concept as a framework, it leads the player through stages of a relationship, exploring how perceptions may clash and surroundings can alter.

With an average walkthrough time of 15 minutes, “Thing-in-Itself” is not a game in a traditional sense – it doesn’t have win or lose conditions and doesn’t present challenge to the player.

With this project, Party for Introverts attempts to establish a connection between the mediums of game and short story, reworking the possibilities when narrative and interactivity merge.

Musical score created by Elena Alekseeva

3D models provided by Nathan Baran

Cast: Sam Retford and Laura Gray